Monday 4 May 2015


Week 1

Week 2:

Signage is a general term of any sort of graphic display intended to convey information to everyone.There are many kind of signage, and it has existed for thousand of years . Most modern signage relies on words, often in tandem with images, but a great deal of historical signage used only images , and much modern signage geared towards an international audience also omits text entire.

Pictorial is to characterized by compose of picture, it pertaining to expressed in the nature of picture . pictorial is also illustrated by containing pictures. pertaining to the art of painting and drawing pictures theme selves, or their makers. pictorial is a periodical in which pictures constitute an important feature.

A small picture that represents an object. Icons are very useful in application that use windows, because with the click of a button you can shrink an entire window into a small icon. This is sometimes called minimizing. To redisplay the window, you merely move the pointer to the icon and click a mouse button. This is called restoring or maximizing.Icons are a principal feature of graphical user interfaces.

Week 3

1) What is visibility space in the interface

A user interface is only valued when the user interactions achieve their purpose. The first element of user interaction is what the user sees in the interface. Visibility is all about how clearly the user sees the state of the interface and all the possible actions. If the users cannot “see” how to use the interface, it is not adhering to the visibility principle of user interface design.

Good visibility is designed with everything positioned in a way that can be easily found and used

2) Percentage of the usability interface

Redesigning user interfaces on the basis of user testing can substantially improve usability. In four case studies, the median improvement in overall usability was 165% from the first to the last iteration, and the median improvement per iteration was 38%. Iterating through at least three versions of the interface is recommended, since some usability metrics may decrease in some versions if a redesign has focused on improving other parameters.

3) How many users prefer the navigation icons on the right top / left top / center / bottom? 

Most people will choose right top.That's because aprox. 67% of users use the right thumb (so that means the right hand) and in several studies have proved that the screen area is more difficult to reach with this hand posture is the top-left one.

The navigation of an application of mobile website it should easily reachable and accessible. In this way the experience is more comfortable (at least for that 67% of right hand users).

Week 4

a) How they display the navigation button
A set of buttons or images in a row or column that serves as a control point to link the user to sections on a Web site. The navigation bar may also be a single graphic image with multiple selections.

b) 'Why' they need navigation buttonNavigation button uses when user need to link to another website or page rather than using typing on search bar.

C) When they need navigation button
Navigation button uses when user need to link to another website or page rather than using typing on search bar.

D) Can navigation button to be complicated or simple design?

Navigation button should be create in simple design. Because simple design will help people more easy to see it and more easy to use it. complicated design makes people confuse .


Review on the existing website on Mc Donald. List out the pro & cons of the interface design layout, the navigation buttons and is the information clear enough for the user to understand to navigate the page?

The interface design layout is quite simple . The navigation button has clearly guide us the way it works .

The interface design layout seems to complicated for user to understand.

The interface design layout quite interesting. We can find out the things we need easily. Conclusion, we can get all the information with clearly guide and make all the user understand.